Friday, March 12, 2010

Dead DotComs

Here’s a list I compiled of software companies that either went belly-up or were acquired in the last few years (post-dotcom meltdown). It's a work in progress. Email me if there are any mistakes, or if you have additional suggestions.

6th Sense Analytics: Acquired by Rally Software
Above All Software
Acopia Networks: Acquired by F5
AdmitOne Security/Biopassword: as of 3/2/2012, the last press release on the site was from 2009.
Aduvo (Acquired by Sun)
Agami Systems: Dead
AimNet Solutions: Acquired by Cognizant.
Airflow Networks (Website replaced by clickfraud website)
Alerilabs: Replaced with strange free nailpolish website
Alignent: Acquired by Sopheon
Altor Networks: Acquired by Juniper Networks
Amarium (Formerly Cirond): Website replaced by placeholder site.
Ambeo: Acquired by Embarcadero Technologies
Anakam: Acquired by Equifax
Andiamo Systems: Acquired by Cisco
Antartica Systems: Appears dead. Last Press release was 2005.
Anthology Solutions
Anthology Solutions: Website is dead.
Apani Networks: Website is dead.
Apere: Website redirects to Citrix.
Appgate: Acquired by Cryptzone
Applabs: Acquired by CSC
Applix (Acquired by Cognos)
Approva: Acquired by Infor
AptSoft (Acquired by IBM)
Aradyme (Website replaced by fake site)
Arcadian Networks: Out of Business
Archer Technologies: Acquired by EMC
Arcot: Acquired by CA in 2010
Ardence (Acquired by IntervalZero)
Arsenal Digital Solutions: Acquired by IBM
Attune Systems: Website is dead.
Availigent (Website dead)
BEA: Acquired by Oracle.
BitLeap: Acquired by Barracuda Networks
Black Spider: Acquired by Websense
Bluefire Security: Dead
BlueLane Technologies: Acquired by VMWare
BlueNote Networks (Acquired by Aspect)
BlueSocket: Acquired by AdTran
BlueSoft: Gone
BlueStar Solutions: Gone
BNX Systems: Gone
Borderware: Acquired by Watchguard
BowStreet: Acquired by IBM
Brabeion Software: Acquired by Archer
Breach Security: Acquired by Trustwave
BridgeStream: Acquired by Oracle
Bridgewerx: Gone
Cantata: Acquired by Dialogic
Celequest: Acquired by Cognos
Centeris: Acquired by Likewise
Certicom: Acquired by RIM
Cittio: Winding down
Clear Technologies: Acquired by Versata
Clearapp: Acquired by Oracle
ClearPoint Networks: Acquired by nCircle
Cloakware: Now Irdeto
Codespear: Acquired by Federal Signal
Colubris Networks: Acquired by HP
ConfigureSoft: Acquired by EMC
Converged Access: Dead.
Converged Access: placeholder website
Control Break - Safeboot: Acquired by McAfee
Corestreet: Acquired by ActiveIdentity
Cornice: Website is fake website.
Covelight Systems: Acquired by Radware
Covi Technologies: Assets Acquired by GE Security.
Crosswalk: Fake web portal
Cryptometrics: Gone.
Dasient: Acquired by Twitter in early 2012
Data Domain: Acquired by EMC
DataMirror: Acquired by IBM
Datastrip: Acquired by Smart Media Innovations
db4Objects (aka Servo Software): Acquired by Versant
Decru: Acquired by NetApp
DeepNines: Acquired by NetSweeper
Digital Harbor: Acquired by Norkom
Dyad Security: Acquired by Outpost24
e-DMZ: Acquired by Quest Software
Emotion: Acquired by Corbis, which was acquired by Artesia
Encryptx: Acquired by Imation
Envox: Acquired by Syntellect
Eurekify: Acquired by CA
eVault: Acquired by Seagate
Exaprotect: Website is dead.
Filesx: Acquired by IBM
FrontGate Systems: website gone.
Guardium: Acquired by IBM
GuardianEdge: Acquired by Symantec
Gold Wire: Acquired by Intelliden
Golden Gate: Acquired by Oracle
Goldwire Technologies: Fake web portal
GreenPlum: Acquired by EMC
GridApp: Purchased by BMC
Gupta: Acquired by Unify
Hummingbird: Acquired by Open Text
Hyperion: Acquired by Oracle
iBRIX: Acquired by HP
iConclude: Website is now a click fraud farm.
Idiom Technologies: Acquired by SDL Enterprise Technology
iManage: Acquired by Interwoven
Imperative Networks: Gone.
Impress Software: Assets acquired by Trinovis
InfoWave: Website is dead.
Infravio: Acquired by Webmethods
Infraworks: Bankrupt
Insightix: Acquired by McAfee
Intellipath Solutions: Website is dead.
Intellitactics: Acquired by Trustwave
Interlace Systems: Acquired by Oracle
Inxight: Acquired by Business Objects
ION Networks: Assets acquired by Cryptek.
IPLocks: Assets acquired by Fortinet
Ironport: Acquired by Cisco
Jaluna: Gone.
Jasomi Networks: Now DiTech Networks
Jounree: Now Initiate
Karta: Gone.
Kenamea: Now Scivantage
Kidaro: Acquired by Microsoft
Kinitos: Now NeoEdge Networks
Kinzan: Gone
Kiyon: Gone, replaced by fake web portal
Klir Technologies: Website is still there, but no management names or recent press releases
Knowmadic: Gone.
KnowNow: Gone.
Kubi Software: Replaced with fake website.
LeCayla Technologies: Acquired by Opsource
Left Hand Networks: Acquired by HP
Linux Networx: Acquired by SGI
Liquid Machines: Acquired by Checkpoint
Lockdown Networks: Out of business
LogicalApps: Acquired by Oracle
Lumigent: Assets acquired by Beyond Trust
Lurhq: Merged with Secureworks, which was then acquired by Dell
LVL7 Systems: Acquired by Broadcom in 2007
MaXware: Acquired by SAP
Meetinghouse: Acquired by Cisco
Meiosys: Acquired by IBM
MessageOne: Acquired by Dell
MetaInfo: Acquired by NeuStar
Metamatrix: Acquired by Redhat
Mirage Networks: Acquired by Trustwave
Mirapoint: Acquired by Critical Path
Mobile Armor: Acquired by Trend Micro
MX Logic: Acquired by McAfee
MXI Security: Acquired by Imation in 2011
Mykonos Software: Acquired by Juniper in 2012
Napera Networks: Acquired by OpSwat
NEI: Acquired by Unicom
NeoAccel: Acquired by VMware
NetContinuum: Acquired by Barracuda Networks
NetDevices: Acquired by Alcatel Lucent
Netegrity: Acquired by CA
NetForensics: Relaunched as Blackstratus
NetManage: Acquired by MicroFocus
Netezza: Acquired by IBM
NetWitness: Acquired by RSA in April 2011
Network Associates: Acquired by McAfee
NetZentry: Out of Business
NextHop: Acquired by U4EA
Nextpoint: Acquired by GenBand
NFR: Acquired by CheckPoint
NuBridges: Acquired by Liaison Technologies
Number Six Software: Acquired by ATS
Onaro: Acquired by NetApp
OpsWare: Acquired by HP
Orative: Acquired by Cisco
Ounce Labs: Acquired by IBM
PacketHop: Acquired by SRI International
PacketMotion: Acquired by VMware
PanGo: Acquired by Innerwireless
Parlano: Acquired by Microsoft
PassGO: Acquired by Quest
PassLogix: Acquired by Oracle
Peak Stream Systems: Website gone, replaced by fake website.
Peakstone: Website is dead.
Peakstream: Acquired by Google.
Performaworks: Acquired by Workscape
PGP: Acquired by Symantec
Pilot Software: Acquired by SAP
Pinion Software (aka Infraworks): Assets acquired by GigaTrust
PlateSpin: Acquired by Novell
Plumtree: Acquired by BEA
PointSec: Acquired by Check Point
Polivec: Website is gone
Popkin, acquired by telelogic, acquired by IBM
Portal Software: Acquired by Oracle
Postini: Acquired by Google.
Prisa Networks: Gone
Proactivenet: Acquired by BMC
Progeny: Gone.
Protego Networks: Acquired by Cisco
QLusters: Gone
Qovia: Danger! Do NOT go the website; it attempts to download trojans.
Quarry Technologies: Gone
Questerra: Gone.
Qumranet: Acauired by Red Hat
Reactivity: Acquired by Cisco.
RealOps: Acquired by BMC
Reconnex: Acquired by McAfee
RedCannon: No management names listed on website; last press release is from 2007.
Remedy: Acquired by BMC
Revivio: Acquired by Symantec
RippleTech: Acquired by Nitro Security
Robobak: Acquired by KineticD
Robot Genius: Website is Gone
Rohati: Acquired by Cisco
Sanera: Acquired by McData
Sapias: Acquired by Wireless Matrix
ScanAlert: Acquired by McAfee
Scentric: Out of Business.
Seague: Acquired by Borland.
Seaway Networks: Assets acquired by Freescale Semiconductor.
Secure Computing: Acquired by McAfee
Securent: Acquired by Cisco
Secuware: No management names listed on site, and last press release is from October 2007.
Senforce: Acquired by Novell.
Sentryware: Dead site.
Service Integrity: Website replaced by fake web portal
Sierra Logic: Acquired by Emulex.
Signacert: Acquired by Harris Dead site.
sOFTEK: Acquired by IBM.
Solidcore: Acquired by McAfee
SolSoft: Acquired by Exaprotect
Solstice: Acquired by Greenhat
SpectraLink: Acquired by PolyCom.
SPI Dynamics: Acquired by HP.
SPSS: Acquired by IBM
SSA Global: Acquired by Infor
Storability: Acquired by Storagetek, which was acquired by Sun
SurfControl: Acquired by Websense
Tangosol: Acquired by Oracle.
Tasman Networks: Acquired by Nortel.
Telelogic: Acquired by IBM.
TeleSym: Out of business
Terrascale: Acquired by Rackable
Thinstall: Acquired by VMware
Third Brigade: Acquired by Trend Micro
Tidal Software: Acquired by Cisco
TopSpin: Acquired by Cisco
Transitive: Acquired by IBM.
Transparency Software: Website is dead.
Vaau: Acquired by Sun
Vernier Networks aka Autonomic Networks: Shut Down.
Vidoop: Acquired by Confident Technologies
Vigilar: Assets foreclosed and sold in 2010
Viion Systems: Gone.
VirtualFabrix: Acquired by Vizioncore (Quest Software)
Virtugo: Out of business.
Warp Solutions: Website appears abandoned.
Watchfire: Acquired by IBM
Webify: Acquired by IBM
Xen Source: Acquired by Citrix
XO Soft: Acquired by CA
Yoggie Security: Sold off assets
Xramp: Acquired by Trustwave
Zantaz: Acquired by Autonomy
Zimbra: Acquired by Yahoo!